My journey to fullstack web3 developer

My name is Cyril Maranber and I got into web development after 12 years building and leading an electricity and smart homes company. If you're asking yourself how I shifted from electricity to blockchain, let me tell you my journey !

Computer programming as a hobby

It all started at the age of ten, when I built my first scripts in GW Basic, followed by programming in C during my electronic studies a few years later. While setting my own business, I would design websites and a webstore, just for the fun of it ! Soon after came a new technology that was perceived as a revolution to others, and a revelation to me : the blockchain. Discovering crypto-currencies in 2019 got me back to my first loves for programming and development !

Blockchain as a source of new aspiration

Like most in this field, I came upon blockchain with the speculation around crypto-currencies. I was able to design a profitable arbitrage bot using nodeJS, but my blooming passion pushed me into going deeper, such as learning more about Solitidy, blockchain technologies, values of decentralisation, DAOs and how to redistribute power and ownership to users. Online tutorials and MOOC found around the web fueled my self-taught interest, as I would spend time solving problems by programming (e.g. CodinGame) and building apps and services using web development. To me, programming became akin to a foreign language, spoken by developers that only web browsers could translate : writing code that would convert to a website with features has a magical touch to it.

A fullstack web developer : versatil, curious and autonomous

I am a curious mind, always eager to discover new knowledge. I do not rest on my laurels; instead, I enjoy learning and applying my skills in practice. I am adept at working in teams, managing, and being managed. My perseverance means I am not daunted by challenges. I generally relish stepping out of my comfort zone. This curiosity and thirst for knowledge have led me to a professional shift. I approach this new journey with enthusiasm and excitement. As a full-stack developer, I possess strong skills in blockchain development, enabling me to work efficiently on both front-end and back-end tasks. I regularly use Git and GitHub for both solo and team projects. I am proficient in React, NextJs, Node, and have a good understanding of Solidity. I work independently and can follow directions to deliver high-quality work within deadlines.

An entreprenor looking for change

I have embarked on a journey as a freelancer to embrace the freedom of working from anywhere. My experience as a CEO for many years has deepened my love for entrepreneurship and its myriad challenges. However, a routine and sedentary lifestyle do not resonate with me. I have a passion for traveling, exploring new cultures, meeting diverse people, and learning foreign languages. As a freelance web3 developer, I am equipped to join IT teams, working under a lead developer on various-sized projects that require web3 expertise. My guiding principle is delivering well-executed work on time, while closely collaborating with my team members or clients.

If you are in search of a full-stack web3 developer who is autonomous, meticulous, and adaptable, I invite you to explore my portfolio. Please feel free to contact me for any relevant opportunities.
